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The world may seem like a volatile and uncertain place right now. Many farmers are facing a dry spring and summer, softening red meat prices, possible drops in milk payouts, and new regulations that will affect how you need to manage your land and water. It is not enough to just “get through”; farmers need resilience to adapt and thrive in this shifting landscape. 

Resilience is not just another buzz word; it is a total business approach. With the events that 2020 just threw at us and 2021 looking equally interesting, it seems like the right time to think about how to become more adaptable, navigate crises, and find opportunities in disruption. Here are some tips on how to build resilience.

Become “Change Ready”

  • Don’t assume you know the full picture: Situations evolve. Read policy documents. Consult experts. Attend information nights held by your industry groups. Seek diverse perspectives.
  • Look for opportunities: Disruptions often create opportunities. Before jumping into response-mode think about where you want your business to be in 5 years. It might be possible to fast-track that goal now.
  • Prepare for multiple futures: Don’t lock into a single vision of the future. Run through multiple scenarios for how things might play out and look for options that best position your business for any future.

Don’t do it alone

  • Reach out: During hard times many of us become defensive or withdraw. People cannot help you if they do not understand your situation. Your support networks (banker, accountant, farm advisor, friends) are a valuable asset. Be the one to make the first phone call.
  • Be open: Try to be as open as you can about the situation you’re facing. If people feel your situation is confidential, they can’t reach into their networks to find the help that you need.
  • Be specific: People might want to help, but they often don’t know how. Sit down and make a wish list of those things you would really like right now. Get your needs clear in your mind, so when people offer, you can suggest the best ways for them to help.

Be a leader

  • Stay in the driver’s seat of your business. Leaders make decisions and take action. Identify trigger points for when you need to make decisions. And then make a decision. Don’t wait for circumstances to lead you.
  • Encourage your staff to develop their skills in handling unforeseen situations and make it an ongoing process of innovation.
  • Actively listen to feedback and suggestions from your staff and your wider support team (e.g. your banker and accountant). Share relevant and critical information regularly.

All disruptions come with opportunities. Keep your head up and take time to focus on the bigger picture for your business. 

Resilient Organisations Ltd. works with businesses facing change, navigating crises, and just trying to be their best in an uncertain world. Check out their great free resources and available services at